
Dr. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones is unavailable, but you can change that!

Unexpected? Yes. Unwelcome? Certainly, for Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was dismayed by what was happening. The date was the December 14, 1926, and the national newspapers were using startling headlines concerning him: “Harley Street Doctor to become a Minister” and “Leading Doctor turns Pastor.” For two days, Lloyd-Jones’ family home in London was besieged by newspaper reporters who all waited in...

‘my chief desire is “to know Him”.’ He knew how easy it was to be satisfied and content with teaching or defending the faith or enjoying peace and joy in the Christian life. These things are the privileges of believers. However, to know the Lord more intimately was his great longing and also for the church to experience a great revival that year. Bethan Lloyd-Jones referred to the fact that her husband was first of all a man of prayer and an evangelist. He spent much time seeking and enjoying the
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